Conceiving Twins

Dear Dr G, I read with interest the article you wrote about how to get pregnant for the Year of the Rooster. I am sorry I would like to put you on the spot for a more challenging task. I fully...

Fertility and Prostate Cancer

TODAY is Sept 11. It is also the 15th anniversary of the tragedy that saw a series of coordinated terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda on the United States in 2011. The world was shocked on that fateful day, as...

‘Breed’ like Mick Jagger

MY hero, Mick Jagger, once said: “Anything worth doing is worth overdoing!” This is the quote I thought about when I read the news that the Rolling Stone frontman is expecting his eighth child at the age...

Freezing fatherhood

ROBERT RODRIGUEZ, the American filmmaker and screenwriter who directed cult classics such as Desperado and From Dusk till Dawn, once said: “I wish I could freeze time or go back in time over and over again...

Cell Phones and Fertility

American fantasy author, Jeannine Frost, best known for her work on the New York Times best selling Night Huntress, has an insight into why men adore James Bond. “The appeal of paranormal bad boy or James...