Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome

Finally, after all the hoo­ha, uproar and commotion, the "biggest show on earth has officially" started in Rio this weekend. The four­-yearly modern Olympic Games, of course is the leading sporting event...

Vasectomy Reversal

TODAY is Mother’s Day. In the United States, the celebration of Mother’s Day began in the early 20th century, and this is followed in various countries around the world, with the event most commonly...

Depression in Men

THE English author Ian Fleming, better known as the creator of James Bond, was a journalist and a naval intelligence officer. Fleming originated from a wealthy background with a father as the Member of...

Cell Phones and Fertility

American fantasy author, Jeannine Frost, best known for her work on the New York Times best selling Night Huntress, has an insight into why men adore James Bond. “The appeal of paranormal bad boy or James...

Contagious Kisses

A Kiss, according to Oxford Dictionary is defined as “a touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire or greeting”. There is something very sensual and seductive about this act of...